Main FAQs

Where can I buy TCORE?

You can currently buy TCORE on Uniswap and BakerySwap. Make sure to check out CORE on Coingecko or Coinmarketcap to find the correct trading pair. However, TCORE/BNB pair is not yet displayed on Coingecko and Coinmarketcap, and Bscscan fetches data from TCORE/ETH on Uniswap. You can get TCORE/BNB price through Chartex with a paid account, or with our Telegram bot.

What are TCORE/WETH UNIV2 LP and TCORE/WBNB BLP tokens used for?

They are used to farm TCORE inside the TCOREVault smart contracts. Outside of that they are normal tokens, you can trade them, transfer them. Do whatever you please with them.

Can I withdraw TCORE/WETH UNIV2 LP tokens for TCORE/WETH on Uniswap (or TCORE/BNB BLP tokens for TCORE/WBNB on BakerySwap)?

No the unique tokenomics of TCORE locks all liquidity withdrawals from Uniswap and BakerySwap. It creates the possibility of a price floor and makes the non-inflationary farming process unique.

What makes the TCORE Token different?

All TCORE that will ever be created (6,250) is generated during the Liquidity Generation Event and subsequently put into liquidity. Together with a fee on token transfers which is distributed to stakers, it creates the possibility for a non-inflationary farming process.

How do we farm TCORE when its non-inflationary?

Every transfer and trade of TCORE has a fee attached to it, which goes inside the TCOREVault contract and is farmable. These fees will be distributed to TCORE stakers therefore providing rewards without inflating the token.

Will we be able to farm TCORE with tokens other than TCORE/WETH UNIV2 LP or TCORE/WBNB BLP?

The community governance will have to decide on future LP pools. Based on yield farming strategies its in their interest to do so. As soon as governance launches there will be proposals to vote on (including by the TCORE team).

How do I obtain TCORE-LP tokens and stake them on the platform?

To obtain TCORE-LP tokens, please visit, click on the Zap tab and press the button "Buy LP and Stake with One Click". This opens TCORE Router. Choose the amount of Ethereum you would like to swap to LP tokens. Check the box "stake automatically" if you want to directly stake your LP tokens. Press "SWAP ETH for LP" and confirm your transaction. This feature is not possible yet for TCORE/WBNB on BSC. You have to add liquidity manually on BakerySwap to receive your LPs.

Can I unstake my LP tokens?

Yes, you are free to move your LP tokens around as you wish. Staking and unstaking is possible on the website under the "Vault" tab.

My claimable TCORE disappeared after depositing new LP tokens. Where are they?

All deposit actions auto-harvest any pending TCORE. Check your wallet to verify the TCORE is there. You can always go to or and verify it there as well.

Regarding successful liquidity withdrawals:

They are caused by liquidity addition front running. It's only possible to remove a part of the liquidity a split second after someone added it. It is important to understand that front running does not allow more to be withdrawn than is deposited. Therefore the liquidity still always goes up.

The release of TCORE Router v1.0 gives our community the option to disarm the front running bots. By using Liquidity Zap's bots will not be able to front run these transactions anymore. It does not just make the entire LP process easier but it also saves gas costs.

What is the price floor of TCORE?

Due to TCORE’s fundamentals, liquidity cannot be removed, and coins cannot be minted. The token has a price floor. Meaning it will never drop under a certain price. This is quite unique, for a cryptocurrency in the DeFi space which is plagued by hyperinflating tokens.

To acquire the price floor you will need to use a series of calculations found in the CORE Formulas section (coming soon).

Last updated

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